Seasonal Protea Bouquet


Includes five blooms of proteas, leucospermums and or banksias in blooming season along with ten stems of accessory flowers and foliage. This bouquet will come wrapped in brown paper and tied in jute twigs or fabric ribbons. (Vase not included) Card and note optional with your personal message. Please indicate when you order.

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Includes five blooms of proteas, leucospermums and or banksias in blooming season along with ten stems of accessory flowers and foliage. This bouquet will come wrapped in brown paper and tied in jute twigs or fabric ribbons. (Vase not included) Card and note optional with your personal message. Please indicate when you order.

Includes five blooms of proteas, leucospermums and or banksias in blooming season along with ten stems of accessory flowers and foliage. This bouquet will come wrapped in brown paper and tied in jute twigs or fabric ribbons. (Vase not included) Card and note optional with your personal message. Please indicate when you order.

Protea Blooms
Protea in a Box
Banksia Blooms
18" Protea Wreath
Seasonal Protea Bouquet - Grand Blooms