Our Story
“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul".” - Luther Burbank
I am an avid gardener, and find joy in growing many varieties of water wise plants. All the flowers and foliage in this picture are grown in our farm.
Farming is my third calling and career. I would say my first calling was to be an art creator. I just loved creating things and putting things together that I feel like that are beautiful and expressive. But since I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, I knew I had to make some money somehow, so being a teacher fed that soul of mine without being so destitute. I was an educator for over twenty five years, teaching high school students, and was able to survive motherhood and being a professional student because of my supportive husband, who indulged all of my crazy ideas. Together we acquired a piece of dirt, full of weeds and hope inland of San Diego County, as a young married couple. Fast forward after teaching for almost three decades and my kids leaving their nest, I decided to become a full-time farmer. With my ever changing and evolving outlandish ideas, we have a built our modest farm home and varied areas with gardens of desert, mediterranean and fruit orchards and groves. I have always believed that “happiness is only real, when shared.” So here I am, growing beautiful flowers from South Africa and Australia, and sharing the bounty of our farm to fulfill the joy and continue to feed my soul.
We have about a hundred varieties of Proteacea family growing in our farm, as well as many different types of eucalyptus. Proteas thrive well in a dry, mediterranean conditions and are very water wise because of its root structure. Fortunately for us, we have the same climate and soil conditions that these extra ordinary plants will thrive in. We also grow perennial flowers like roses, lavender, dahlias, ranunculus and few annuals. Other portion of the farm is filled with large cacti specimens (most are rescues) and succulents. We have an area of orange and avocado groves, and stone fruit and berry orchard (the only area that needs regular watering). The farm is a walking garden as well as production farm. Farm visits are by appointment and special events only. Protea plants are also available for sale and can be picked up at the farm but also by appointment only. As we continue to grow our plant and flower productions, we will be expanding our product offerings and we will update availability in our website and social media pages. If you are outside of Southern California, we may be able to ship flowers and plants to you, provided your state does not have strict Agricultural provisions that restrict transport of plants and soil. If you are interested in cultivating proteas or cacti and succulents, follow my journal here as I will be writing some articles and blogs that you may find helpful in your gardening endeavors. Happy planting, creating and growing!